As I mentioned earlier, during my Artist in Residence at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, I keep my head down when walking. One of my favorite things to do is to look at all the different rocks and pebbles along Lake Superior. Down state, it’s not as colorful, so I’m just amazed by the variety, color, and textures of the rocks at pretty much any beach on Lake Superior.

“Lake Superior Rocks” a watercolor painting donated to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Artist in Residence Program art collection (2017).
I tried to get a rock I.D. guide at the Park’s visitors centers, but they have sold out, and it’s the end of the season. I’ve got to keep an eye out for a good book that will help me learn more about the specifics. Until then, I will just marvel at my rock collection’s beauty…
Oh, and this is tough. It being a National Park (and other beaches in general), we are to take only pictures and leave only footprints, and not take the rocks so others can enjoy them. It’s pretty much like an angler’s catch and release!
A few years back, on Lake Michigan, my son Ryan collected a bunch of rocks (um, many of them 1/2 the size of my head) and wanted to take them home. I explained to him that it was a state park and that we are to leave no trace and lets leave them for another person to discover them. He was very upset and cried for the next 20 minutes of driving, which made me think I should have let them keep the mini boulders.
I kinda felt the same way with my rock collection. I wanted to keep them. I know there are sooooo many out there, but know that catch and release is the best policy. I took only pictures (which you can see above). So, my plate of rocks has ended up back at the beach where I found them.
They served their purpose in color study and will forever inspire my art!